To call orthdontist at your clinic and manage patients is big headache for general dentist We have came up with unique idea of orthodontic consultancy service in which we will have team of orthdontists. So our orthdontists will be available at any time as per your patients convenience. If one of the orthdontists is not available then other orthodontist from AOS will provide you a service.

Advantages of AOS consultancy services
1) Availability of orthdontist at patients convenient time.
2) New patient will not have to wait for next appointment.
3) patient treatment plan and whole treatment will be monitored by team of orthdontists with minimum 10 years of experience.
4) we will take fixed charges per patient so dentist can charge whatever he/she wants ( they can have 50 to 60 percentage of profit share).
5) Appointment will be managed by our centralised appointment system.
6) we will help in raising patient awareness in your area and will divert patients to our partner dental clinic.